We offer music therapy services to a wide range of individuals. Rooted in a trauma-informed, anti-oppressive, relationship-based approach, we feature BIPOC therapists who have experience working with racialized peoples and the LGBTQIA2S+ community. We have training in offering services to neuro-diverse individuals including children with autism, incarcerated or at-risk youths, seniors with dementia, persons with psychiatric diagnoses including anxiety, depression, c-PTSD, and people experiencing addiction/recovery among others. Let us know how we can best support you and your family members in achieving optimal health.
Individual &
Group Sessions
Discover if there are individual or group music therapy sessions occurring in your neighbourhood
Music Lessons
If your goal is to improve your musicality but typical teaching styles haven't been a good fit
Music Therapy
As mobile practitioners, we are able to meet you in your home, facility, online, or wherever you are